Monday, July 28, 2008

Exotica - Yukio Mishima

From the 1999 book 'Exotica. Fabricated soundscapes in a real world' by David Toop:

"Erotica and exotica are close, not just semantically, but in their promise of a life less ordinary, detached from the libido suppression of reality, responsibility, rationality and 'civilization', hitched instead to a hopeless belief in the free physicality of primitivism. 'Thus, when confronting those possessors of sheer animal flesh unspoiled by intellect,' Yukio Mishima speculated in Confessions of a Mask, 'young toughs, sailors, soldiers, fishermen - their was nothing for me to do but be forever watching them from afar with impassioned indifference, being careful never to exchange words with them. Probably the only place in which I could have lived at ease would have been some uncivilized tropical land where I could not speak the language. Now that I think of it, I realize that from the earliest childhood I felt a yearning toward those intense summers of the kind that are seething forever in savage lands'"

This was the final post in the 'Exotica' series.

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